Collaborative practice is an alternative way to settle disputes outside of court with the help of a team of experienced attorneys, mental health experts, and financial professionals who work together to find options that will serve the interests of both the parties and any other affected persons.
If you have decided to take the collaborative way to resolve your legal issues, you'll need a trained and dependable legal expert to represent you. Count on our board-certified attorney with 50+ years of experience to settle your lawsuit while keeping in mind your best interests.
Shelton Family Law PLLC today to schedule a consultation.
Collaborative Practice is a new way for people to respectfully resolve disputes. Unlike litigation, the legal collaborative process is private, cooperative, and efficient. The contesting parties work to resolve their concerns outside of court with the relevant team representing each of them.
With this process, the participants get a chance to realize whether they can continue the relationship, creating the possibility for a positive outcome which can help prevent emotional breakdown from a broken marriage.